Friday, September 12, 2014


I've been thinking of the prompt for the past three days.
When i have to write about myself i usually have a difficult time.
After doing a lot of thinking i realized that the things that i carry in my
bag pack are the same things i carry with myself everyday.
Those things are my family, friends.
All the mistakes that i've made and things that i learned.
To better myself slowly and to take my time.
That recovery is one of the hardest thing to do to be that patient..
I carry the thing that my ma and pa have taught me growing up,
That's what i carry with me.

1 comment:

  1. You are very creative with your post even when you say its hard to write about yourself. We all pretty much carry the same things around in our backpack and that is why it tends to get heavier since we have to carry all the people's struggles sometimes too. Remember no one is perfect and we all have struggles and imperfections.
